gold membership vs silver membershi

Started by aliyandollar 2017-08-29 at 15:44
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 4
compare to the both membership, gold membership is double cost in monthly bundle and in yearly bundle,
in silver member ship RR click rate is: 0.001
in gold members ship RR click rate is: 0.001

if we have 200 RR in these both membership what is a difference in earning?
Posts: 122
earning the same pr RR

the dif. between silver and golden are other things like max RR, recycle cost , rent time , payout etc.

go to your account upgrade page and you see
Posts: 10
Received: $545.4500
Main balance: $0.0106
Referrals: 6
You should upgrade gold mem, then rent 750-1000RR