Building Building Building

Started by ellieo 2018-06-18 at 09:50
216 replies to this topic
Posts: 216
Have over 20 on 9 days this morning which is a lot more than I was hoping for. Might need to work on 30 days extending for a while to get a bit more time in place before the 365 ext plan can work.
Did ext 1 x 365 days this morning and recycled 5. Will do some 30 days ext tomorrow.
Posts: 216
$2.3774 in account - Did a combo of 15 days, 30 days and recycling this morning.

Noticed I have about 100 on 10 days so will do this combo again tomorrow to get them split up a bit more. After that will do some calculations for 30 day ext. The plan being to get all over 20 days before returning to 365 ext.
Posts: 216
$2.2477 in account this morning and ext 12 x 30 days. Recycled 10

Now have 27 over 30 days. Forgot I have autopay on so don't need to split the 100 as will happen automatically.

Going to focus on getting all over 30 days now before returning to longer extending times.
Posts: 58
Received: $146.5300
Main balance: $0.3061
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hm you not bored .. hahaha
Posts: 1
why are u not updating?
Posts: 20
You should turn on autopay, it reduce 13.75% instead of extend 60 days 10%.