Christmas Deposit bonus

Started by admin 2021-12-24 at 08:20
36 replies to this topic
Posts: 1
Thanku[Admin love u ]Dear members,

From today the 24th of December until the 2nd of January 23:59 server time we are going to have a deposit bonus promo!

Add more than $100 and get 5% bonus.
Add more than $500 and get 10% bonus.
Add more than $1000 and get 15% bonus.
Add more than $2000 and get 20% bonus.

I wish Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!

Have a great time during your holidays and stay safe!

Best regards,
Scarlet-clicks,Gptplanet and OptimalBux Admin [Love u]
Posts: 1
merry crismass
Posts: 1
Quote: admin
Dear members,

From today the 24th of December until the 2nd of January 23:59 server time we are going to have a deposit bonus promo!

Add more than $100 and get 5% bonus.
Add more than $500 and get 10% bonus.
Add more than $1000 and get 15% bonus.
Add more than $2000 and get 20% bonus.

I wish Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you!

Have a great time during your holidays and stay safe!

Best regards,
Scarlet-clicks,Gptplanet and OptimalBux Admin

Thank you happy new year