RR extentions?

Started by howard1993enuzu 2014-11-03 at 15:22
3 replies to this topic
Posts: 2
On the RR page the only related option i have is auto pay. If I am correct, auto pay will extend the referal for one day at a time given they click at least one add the day before. Problem is, not all of my RR click every day. and they have a decent enough average to make me want to keep them on my list. Where on can i find the tool to schedule long term extentions for my RR?
Posts: 2
As an answer to my own question, click a check box next to atleast one referal and at the bottom of the list there will be a down menu option for how long you can extend your referals.
Posts: 431
Posts: 1
good job
Quote: howard1993enuzu
On the RR page the only related option i have is auto pay. If I am correct, auto pay will extend the referal for one day at a time given they click at least one add the day before. Problem is, not all of my RR click every day. and they have a decent enough average to make me want to keep them on my list. Where on can i find the tool to schedule long term extentions for my RR?