How much money you own clicks and refferal clicks realy make?

Started by bigmazzy456 2016-03-28 at 14:28
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Posts: 3
i have two very elaborate question.

1. How much does one make by clicking ads. It says on TOS that you make 100% of the cliks value for every membership. That begs a question how much is a cliks value. Now on standard membership i have ads that are worth 0,001, 0,0005 and 0,0002 $. How much will i get for clicking ads if i upgrade to: silver, gold, gold plus or diamond mebership. Will i aeran the same amounts per ads ( 0,001, 0,0005 and 0,0002 $) or more, and how much more.

2. Earning from you referal. I see that one can earn 40% , 80% or 100% of click value depending on the membership. Now for standard members which click value does apply, 0,001 $ per click, 0,0005 $ per click or 0,0002 $ per click or is it some medium value betwen those.

For comparion on neobux i now that as a goldem member i will make minimum 0,01 per my own click and 0,01 per click of my rented refferal so i can calculate my monthly earning, here i cant find that information.

Im sorry if this questions are answered somwhere on scarlet cliks website and im wasting your time, but i didnt find them(not for lack of trying). But if they are and i didnt see them could you send me the link where i can find answers to the questions mentioned before.

Best regards

P.S. I send this message via support ticket, but i didnt get proper answer, please help.