Average DR Click Value

Started by fritzerblitzer 2016-08-28 at 17:17
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 47
Hey folks. I'd like to know what the average DR click value is. I have read the table with all the percentages of clicks and what not. But for profit calculations, what do users typically average their DR click value at?

I could figure it out by adding all values from the earned column and dividing by the sum of all values in the clicks column, but an answer from other users will save me a lot of time. (And allow me to check my calculations against other calculations for accuracy.)

I've roughly estimated it to be at $0.0003814.

Posts: 1
Quote: fritzerblitzer
Hey folks. I'd like to know what the average DR click value is. I have read the table with all the percentages of clicks and what not. But for profit calculations, what do users typically average their DR click value at?

I could figure it out by adding all values from the earned column and dividing by the sum of all values in the clicks column, but an answer from other users will save me a lot of time. (And allow me to check my calculations against other calculations for accuracy.)

I've roughly estimated it to be at $0.0003814.


What is your avg number of clicks per day?

I've seen people say on here as long as they are clicking a min of 6 or more ads per day your in profit, with your number there that don't seem to be true. $0.75 / 5 = $15 per 30 days even with auto pay its still $0.12 per 30 days. and 0.0003814 x 6 only = 0.0022884 x30 days = $0.068652

Seems like you would need to avg like 11 clicks per day not 6 to be just above break even with auto pay and 14 clicks per day to be above $0.15 cost without autopay.