Referidos Alugadas

Started by dougsousa 2016-11-24 at 21:44
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Posts: 1
Boa tarde, sou novo no site e pretendo fazer um Upgrade para Yearly Gold, mas estou em duvida, se algum brasileiro puder me dar umas dicas e tirar algumas duvidas fico grato.
No plano Yearly Gold qual o valor de cada Referido alugado depois de 30 dias para renovar para 240 dias?
E se nesse prazo de 240 dias algum referido ficar sem clicar durante alguns dias eles são reciclados automaticamente?

Good afternoon, I'm new to the site and I plan to upgrade to Yearly Gold, but I'm in doubt, if any Brazilian can give me some tips and get some doubts I'm grateful.
In the Yearly Gold plan what is the value of each Referred rented after 30 days to renew to 240 days?
And if within that period of 240 days if some referred to remain without clicking for a few days they are automatically recycled?