Referrals rented and news

Started by Re20 2017-02-12 at 13:22
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 19
Received: $163.4000
Main balance: $0.6699
Referrals: 0
Dear members
I would like to share my thoughts about what I think about the real situation of those rented in scarlet clicks. Taking into account that a short time ago the administrator had problems with withdrawals through perfect money, since many members were taking it for granted without having deposited. And like that, they made the administrator create new rules for withdrawal. Also came the increase in the price of said leases, and now finally a cut in the income of those referred. Faced with these events I think that this current situation does not mean any problem, it is just another change implemented by the administrator so that the site can remain stable. I think it will always be like that now!
Greetings everyone.
Posts: 94
Best PTC + RevShare
Changes and actions need for stability.