RR dude

Started by Tecolani 2017-03-07 at 21:04
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 53
I have a doubt regarding the RR I have read and say that it is no longer profitable to have activated the Autopaid.
Now you have to start extending RRs to generate profits
I'm right?
Posts: 47
from my experience, yes, extending RR for longer periods and benefiting from the discount is the way to make profit. Best is when admin offers the 0.17/ 30 days for all RR, even those for members with greater than 1000, and use the long extension options at that time.
Posts: 67
There is still profit in rented referrals. My averages are slowly creeping up. I make around $12 a month off my 600 referrals. Just keep building your account and you can easily make $5 per day with thousands of referals for doing very little work.