Max ROI cashout limit.

Started by admin 2017-04-22 at 17:20
33 replies to this topic
Posts: 18
The ROI needs to be higher.
Posts: 50
Quote: ervinwd
Still confused..if Monthly Gold reach Max 200%ROI
In order to cashout again ,he must deposit more fund
If he added fund 10$, so he will be able to cashout 20$
Is that Right ??

In short whatever you have cashout until now (total cashout)/2 = should be your deposit amount.
after that if you want to cashout 100$ deposite 50$ you get 100$.
you need to cashout 200$ deposite another 100$. you get 200$ to cashout.
then you need to cashout another 100$ deposite 50$ get 100$.
Posts: 22
Received: $746.6800
Main balance: $0.1838
Referrals: 0
The law is not retroactive, so I understand that every withdrawal that was requested before the change of rules, would be processed to PayPal/PM accounts without any problem? I hope that admin will not try to cheat us, and will obey the rules.
Posts: 76
If ROI is to applied please include the amount which gets invested when we transfer from Balance to Purchase should also be counted as Deposits.

I hate to leave this wonderful site with an equally honest Admin.
I wish all the best to Admin