Avg new ref

Started by Andrew905 2017-07-24 at 21:11
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 3
Received: $342.7300
Main balance: $4.1411
Referrals: 0
Hi, I have a question
I have 1000 ref rented for about 3 days and their average is about 4-5 clicks per day, avg does not exceed 5 is normal at the beginning or is the average that you also have?
Posts: 1381
Quote: Andrew905
Hi, I have a question
I have 1000 ref rented for about 3 days and their average is about 4-5 clicks per day, avg does not exceed 5 is normal at the beginning or is the average that you also have?


It's normal.
Please wait a couple of days to see the activity of your rented referrals.

Best regards,
Scarlet-clicks and Gptplanet Support
Posts: 3
Received: $342.7300
Main balance: $4.1411
Referrals: 0
Ok thanks