People cancell their PTSU offers after i complete it

Started by Maryl 2017-09-08 at 20:17
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 1
I completed specifically what they where asking for and i don't get paid because the ptsu offer is cancelled
It's so annoying i don't know if that's how it works or something but i completed 2 PTSU offers i sent them and the next day i see they are cancelled, not even rejected or approved (or whatever it appears when it's accepted) just cancelled :'( its so dissapointing.
Posts: 258
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Quote: Maryl
I completed specifically what they where asking for and i don't get paid because the ptsu offer is cancelled
It's so annoying i don't know if that's how it works or something but i completed 2 PTSU offers i sent them and the next day i see they are cancelled, not even rejected or approved (or whatever it appears when it's accepted) just cancelled :'( its so dissapointing.

report to admin :)
Posts: 122
send a ticket to support / admin and i guess they be banned as stated in the signup thingy


If you tried to cheat, you will be banned and your funds will be deleted