New here Help please

Started by MichelleK24 2017-12-04 at 07:34
3 replies to this topic
Posts: 1
Hi everyone. Can someone please explain to me how Scarlet clicks work?
Posts: 101
Received: $71.2100
Main balance: $3.0252
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Main income comes from referrals that you can rent or buy.
Renting for example 5 referrals costs 0.6$
In order to rent referrals you have to invest money, or click ads.
That brings us to another way of earning. And that is clicking adverts. Earnings are small but you have to click atleast 4 ads every day to earn money from your referrals
I suggest that you put autopay on.
When you have autopay on, you dont have to worry that much about your referrals expiring. Every freah referral has 30 days.
Posts: 1041
Received: $91.1600
Main balance: $2.3102
Referrals: 0
That's correct
« Last Edit: 2017-12-07 at 17:24 by batpaid »
Posts: 1
alguien me puede decir donde encuentro mi enlace de referido para invitar a alguien como referido directo