What is the roi?

Started by amilca 2018-01-28 at 23:36
6 replies to this topic
Posts: 95
Hello, I would like to know what is the roi ?, I do not find enough information from roi, another question I have is how much can be withdrawn per month ?, According to the membership ?, Is it limited ?, How much is the limit and when the limit is removed? , when how much could be withdrawn per month, I mean THE TOTAL SUM OF THE WHOLE MONTH
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Depending on your membership you can withdraw $50 max in one cash out
Posts: 122
ROI = Return Of Investment -
typical means a perfomance measure used to evaluate the efficency of an investment

In this case however it means when you have withdrawn more than you invested (eg. have a positive ROI)
here's a link explaining ROI - What is ROI or just do a google search on return of investment ROI

You can find the withraw time frame in the extend membership tab on you account page

how much can you withdraw, well depends on your member ship -
for monthly silver and gold member the max limit is = $20 pr withdraw

and the withdrawl frame time - before hitting roi is 7 days. After you hit Roi then it's 14 day's
so that would mean in a month the (MAX) numbers would be:
before Roi = 4(30/7=4,285= 4 or 28 days) * $20 = $80
after Roi = 2(30/14=2,142=2 or 28 day's) * $20 = $40
« Last Edit: 2018-01-29 at 07:30 by HeikoB »
Posts: 95
Quote: HeikoB
ROI = Return Of Investment -
typical means a perfomance measure used to evaluate the efficency of an investment

In this case however it means when you have withdrawn more than you invested (eg. have a positive ROI)
here's a link explaining ROI - What is ROI or just do a google search on return of investment ROI

You can find the withraw time frame in the extend membership tab on you account page

how much can you withdraw, well depends on your member ship -
for monthly silver and gold member the max limit is = $20 pr withdraw

and the withdrawl frame time - before hitting roi is 7 days. After you hit Roi then it's 14 day's
so that would mean in a month the (MAX) numbers would be:
before Roi = 4(30/7=4,285= 4 or 28 days) * $20 = $80
after Roi = 2(30/14=2,142=2 or 28 day's) * $20 = $40

And the roi once exceeded, does not return to normal ?, I speak of how long you would be charging for 14 days ?, Is it forever ?, By diamond membership? I mean the last membership?
Posts: 122
First ask yourself what is normal ?
- for me normal is making money by watching adds, in other words at some point I will have withdrawn(cash out) out more money than I invested in the first place, this i normal for me - not sure about you

So to answer you question - nope - not unless you invest more, then you always will have a positive ROI(eg. you making money)

2'nd - the feature of shorter witdraw time is a "bonus" feature for you to get on par faster

3'rd plase have a look at these pages - as you can see with different membership levels both the days and max payout changes

Withdrawtime - https://www.scarlet-clicks.info/index.php?view=account&page=upgrade

$ to withdraw - https://www.scarlet-clicks.info/index.php?view=faq

Happy clicking
Posts: 95
Quote: HeikoB
First ask yourself what is normal ?
- for me normal is making money by watching adds, in other words at some point I will have withdrawn(cash out) out more money than I invested in the first place, this i normal for me - not sure about you

So to answer you question - nope - not unless you invest more, then you always will have a positive ROI(eg. you making money)

2'nd - the feature of shorter witdraw time is a "bonus" feature for you to get on par faster

3'rd plase have a look at these pages - as you can see with different membership levels both the days and max payout changes

Withdrawtime - https://www.scarlet-clicks.info/index.php?view=account&page=upgrade

$ to withdraw - https://www.scarlet-clicks.info/index.php?view=faq

Happy clicking

You did not manage to give me the answer I expected, how much can you get, by withdrawing in monthly gold membersia, diamond ?, before and after the roi ?, because by your previous message you said that the minimum monthly withdrawals of silver and gold are $ 20 ????, that's strange because I saw payment vouchers of up to 60
Posts: 122
Should i bother to answer the post ? ye why not :P

Jez stop beeing lazy and actually do the research yourself
- the 2 previous post from me gives you all the information you need to answer your own question. It is not that hard to find really , just 2 clicks and simple math.

first post:
- shows you how to calculate the max(maximum) number of times one can withdraw depending on membership
- and where to find the numbers of days for each membership
- Max means Maximum not minimum and was about max(MAXIMUM) amount($ Dollars) to withdraw(cashout) pr.(per) request
so has nothing to do with monthly withdrawl. the numbers for max(maximum) withdrawl pr month is bellow that line in the post.

Second post:
- Here you can find the links to the numbers you need
- Kinda simple math btw

Happy Clicking