Indian Users ! Which payment processor are you using

Started by pratshar 2018-02-23 at 20:54
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Posts: 29
Hi All,

I started using payeer from last few weeks and recently received some money in it. As i was using payeer for the first time so i did not know about its working. There are many issues with payeer also especially for people here in India. 1. We cannot transfer money from payeer to bank account directly. This direct account transfer is not available in payeer atleast for now. 2. To get money from payeer in indian bank account there are 4 channels and that too until we have around 110$ we cannot even come to channel 1. As an example, we receive money in payeer in USD. so first we need to convert USD to BTC. Until we reach .01 BTC which is 110$ we cannot get our money. Even if we reach to 0.01 BTC, we have to take it into our bit coin account. Then from bitcoin account like (blockchain info) there is a third party which will send money to bank account and god knows how much fees they will charge. So this payeer though low in fee but right now seems not a great option.

I am just in help and want to know from Indian guys what is the way you are cashing out from scarlet clicks