rented referals

Started by sptanwar 2018-05-05 at 06:11
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Posts: 160
Hello friends,
I recently upgraded to monthly silver and rented 5 referals just to test. Everybody says that extend the good referals with average of 6 or more.One peculiar feature I observed is during the day the average keeps changing several times in the day. When the figures don't change how can the average change.I observed it earlier but yesterday I have made notings.
For example out of 5 RRs in 4 days there are 78 clicks and I have earned 0.07800. 3 RRs have 16 clicks each and 2 RRs have 15 clicks each. Yesterday in the morning at 7.50am the average for 16 clicks was 6.059, at 1.10 pm it became 5.589 and then at 1.32 pm it became 5.572. Similarly for 15 clicks the average was 5.680, then it became 5.240 and then 5.224.
Today morning the earnings are 0.9900 and clicks are 99. At 8.05 am, average of 2 RRs with 20 clicks each is 5.477. 10 minutes later this average became 5.465.Likewise for the RR with 22 clicks changed from 6.025 to 6.011, all within 10 minutes.
I am not at all able to understand. Please throw some light and help me clear the confusion. On 8th I am planning to rent 195 more referals. I naturally want this confusion to go before I take the next step.
My point is the average may change the next day depending on the inputs like how many clicks but during the day when there is no change in the input, it should remain constant for the day atleast.
Anybody throw light?