Best strategy

Started by Katorade 2018-06-24 at 12:49
12 replies to this topic
Posts: 19
Received: $128.3000
Main balance: $11.2138
Referrals: 0
Hi everyone!

I want to ask you what is the best strategy to get $50 each month in Scarletclick? How much I have to invest? Which membership I have to buy and how many referrals?

I want to invest more money in this great PTC, so anybody can help me?

Thanks very much.
Posts: 1041
Received: $91.1600
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Friend it all depends on how much effort you want to put in, my suggestion is to upgrade and look at the prices in the upgrade section next best thing you can do is promote your direct referral link and keep building your rentals
Posts: 160
Quote: Katorade
Hi everyone!

I want to ask you what is the best strategy to get $50 each month in Scarletclick? How much I have to invest? Which membership I have to buy and how many referrals?

I want to invest more money in this great PTC, so anybody can help me?

Thanks very much.

You seem to be doing quite fine since you are already upgraded member and have 500 RRs.

Posts: 111
I have yearly gold, 2000 RR and i don't have 50$in a month, so You must have more than me.
Posts: 131
Quote: FIHU
I have yearly gold, 2000 RR and i don't have 50$in a month, so You must have more than me.

FIHU, how much do you have per month?
Posts: 216
Quote: sveron23
Quote: FIHU
I have yearly gold, 2000 RR and i don't have 50$in a month, so You must have more than me.

FIHU, how much do you have per month?

Am curious about this too if you don't mind answering it? I know it might be personal though so I understand if you choose not too...
Posts: 216
Quote: Katorade
Hi everyone!

I want to ask you what is the best strategy to get $50 each month in Scarletclick? How much I have to invest? Which membership I have to buy and how many referrals?

I want to invest more money in this great PTC, so anybody can help me?

Thanks very much.

What sort of level are you making now with 500 RRs and Golden?
Posts: 19
Received: $128.3000
Main balance: $11.2138
Referrals: 0
Quote: ellieo
Quote: Katorade
Hi everyone!

I want to ask you what is the best strategy to get $50 each month in Scarletclick? How much I have to invest? Which membership I have to buy and how many referrals?

I want to invest more money in this great PTC, so anybody can help me?

Thanks very much.

What sort of level are you making now with 500 RRs and Golden?

$9 - $12 per month, I can do more If I don't have to recycle every week.
Posts: 118
do not recycle rr too much
Posts: 40
I'm trying to find same thing here. But my revenue is low now working on extending RR. I had a steady profit of $20+ each month but it has dropped since paypal gone.