Buying Direct Referrals- Is it wise?

Started by adnantariq1 2018-08-29 at 15:49
4 replies to this topic
Monthly Gold
Posts: 4
Received: $0.0000
Main balance: $0.8130
Referrals: 400
Hi, new to site, just joined on 24 Aug. Saw an option to buy DRs and was very tempted to buy few but decided to ask from you guys. How good are they (DRs). Is it wise to invest in them initially?
Any help is appreciated .
Posts: 111
Purchase of referrals is a risk. You spend the money, and it turns out that it will be inactive. You'd better rent them
Yearly Gold
Posts: 1072
Received: $5071.1100
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Referrals: 1000
I also think renting is better that purchasing direct refs.
Monthly Gold
Posts: 4
Received: $0.0000
Main balance: $0.8130
Referrals: 400
Ok then renting it is. thanks guys.
Posts: 5
Покупал - только зря, не работают.