Problems load sites

Started by RomanenkoAlexey 2022-02-07 at 05:44
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Posts: 21
Dear Admin!
Since the installation of Arc, your sites GPT Planet, Scarlet Clicks and Optimal Bux (and by the way, sites of other administrators where Arc is also installed) have slowed down very much. So much so that I even see how fonts are loaded. This is terrible! To the GPT Planet site, I can't even Login, it does not load - the site timed out.
I changed three providers and completed all the standard procedures. It doesn't solve the problem. Many of my DR have the same difficulties. Arc says - "Sites with Arc load faster because their content is fetched from people's devices near you instead of from data centers far away". But if they load me through a user with a bad Internet, then I get the problem of this user. And I cannot refuse this or somehow influence, nothing depends on me. It shouldn't be like that!!!
Dear Admin, I hope you can help solve this problem.