chavareyes2003's stats (1'000,000 RR clicks)

Started by chavareyes2003 2013-03-27 at 21:16
12 replies to this topic
Posts: 6
Received: $514.5500
Main balance: $5.9020
Referrals: 10
Mate are u making profit yet? or u did direct purchases back to the site? and how much did u invest in?
Thanks in advance!
Posts: 0
Quote: highasaguy
Mate are u making profit yet? or u did direct purchases back to the site? and how much did u invest in?
Thanks in advance!

I was in profit (until the PTC started to rent referrals)
my DR some where purchased when the PTC was small, most of them I got them advertising
I am still in -200.xx
Posts: 146
Received: $8785.8200
Main balance: $0.0000
Referrals: 0
nice status my friend

best of luck 4u
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