Broken Bonus Ads

Started by ajit1000 2023-07-01 at 03:35
4 replies to this topic
Yearly Gold
Posts: 457
The ads in Bonus are broken, they don't work. They take you to AdSeven page with no timer or anything else to finish.
Posts: 0
This is true. I would like to know if there is any way of making them work.
Yearly Gold
Posts: 457
Bonus ads finally working now. Averages are down, Premium+ ad disappearance have had a Dominoes effect. The number game, I earn $0.01/premium ad, while my rented referrals do the same. So, as they earn less, I earn less. 240 days extensions are available now, more things will happen as the time will unfold. For now, my favorite Skrill has disappeared as a payment processor from the site, lucklily I made my last withdrawal from it yesterday, which was duly paid in a few hours instead of 7 days. Also, next payment request will now be entertained after 5 days. Finally, I have also renewed my next batch of 50 RRs for 240 days(late of course) from the $140 odd kitty in purchase balance. $90 from which was for the extension of my yearly Gold extension.
Posts: 4
I have same problem with it :-(