Follow up on on how GPTPlanet, Optimalbux and Scarlet-Clicks will continue.

Started by agony554 2023-07-18 at 23:27
53 replies to this topic
Posts: 23
Dear members,

First of all I thank you for the trust you as member have given in the past and for the future. I have always been honest towards my members, therefor I make this post.

In the past weeks I've been reviewing many details of the projects and gave it many thought on how to continue as before. The good news is, I believe it is possible on the longer run. Your earnings and effords are safe.

It is clear many members worry about their payments and assets, but just like anyone else this also aplies to me: money doesn't magicly appear from nothing, it has to be earned first. My balance in these sites started with $0.

To save these 3 projects, I created a plan which should work. I'll explain to you.
In my own projects Adzbazar, Adzseven and Clixblue in order to be able to give members profit on their rented referrals. Halve their deposits are re-invested by me in order to generate money. This kept the my projects also alive during bad times. I started to do the same for GPTPlanet, Optimalbux and Scarlet-Clicks.

A short summary on these 3 sites and their wellbeing. The previous admin has always been honest and did everything he could to keep the sites open (Read here). As he mentioned, a lot of money was lost in the past and the high cost of running the projects, lesser new members, etc, nearly killed these sites but members always kept their balances and a solution was offered to them.
All this created a huge imbalance in the sites.

The solution I can offer you as members will take some time to be effective. But below are the future plans:
Many ask me this in tickets, when the ROI rule will disappear?
The simple answer is, this will be done in steps of for example 1% a day starting as soon as actual money is being made.
How money will be generated?
As for sure many noticed, more 3th party income sources have been added, such as various offerwalls. 3th Party income has priority as it provides the sites with a more or less fixed income.
50% of all deposits are actually invested to generate real money, this to be able to overtake the huge imbalance in the sites. The other 50% will be kept as a buffer in order to pay members and cost without breaking investments.
I am aware many members have been scared
But it isn't the first time I recovered a site from death by defaulting. 3 of them I can mention as their previous admin gave them to me in 2018: Indexclix, and Fingersclix.
What will future payments will be?
I strive to have cashouts to be processed within 24 hours just like in my other sites, standard members will enjoy this feature first.
What you can't expect.
My resources are limited to what these 3 sites income provide, also I notice many panic withdrawals. This exceeds the sites income by far. I can only tell withdrawals will be processed as soon as possible. My balance in these 3 sites started with 0 income and a huge debt. It takes time to overcome this first.
Why are there so few ads to click.
Many ads in the sites where selfsponsored costing the site a lot of money without generating anything in return. Some new ideas will be introduced soon that will benefit the sites, the member and their upline. Also I'm planning to connect all sites together, so an advertiser can advertise in 9 sites with a single ad.
Why things happen not very fast.
As a single 50 year old father of 3 children, further taking care of 2 Ukrainian refugees which have many issues from the war. Their needs come first always. Most of my spare time I spend on my sites and their development.
Will the sites scam?
No, I don't believe so, I'm willing to invest time and resources in them as well most members will. Some members have made some deposits, halve of it is now actually invested. Neither did I take anything from these deposits for my own benefit. The other 50% has been used to pay members.

Will there be a promo soon?
I don't believe this will be appropriate in the current situation, but many are asking for one in tickets. Therefor I will make a small deposit bonus for a couple of days.

Hoping this topic will answer a lot of questions many of you have and I hope this will give you some comfort and trust in the future of GPTPlanet, Optimalbux and Scarlet-Clicks.
Ofcourse I like members input and ideas as well, they don't go unnoticed.

Posts: 23
Dear members,

As requested and promissed above, a small deposit bonus.

This promo is valid on Wednesday 19th of July 2023 until 23th of July 2023 23:59 server time!

There is no need to open a ticket, the bonus will be added automatic to your balance.

Deposit $10 or more, you will receive 5% extra in your purchase balance.
Deposit $50 or more, you will receive 7.5% extra in your purchase balance.
Deposit $100 or more, you will receive 10% extra in your purchase balance.
Deposit $250 or more, you will receive 12.5% extra in your purchase balance.
Deposit $500 or more, you will receive 15% extra in your purchase balance.

This means you can spend the bonus on everthing for sale!
I wish you a great shopping spree!!

Best regards,
Posts: 457
Thanx Admin! Long live ScarletClicks!
Posts: 329
Received: $1682.6100
Main balance: $726.1891
Referrals: 1000
Thanks, Agony, for the detailed statement
I'm starting to like you

Btw... is it okay if I continue with my daily stats? Or is that bad for business?

Posts: 97
now hope building with agony
Posts: -3
So cool i love this site
Yearly Gold
Posts: 34
Received: $66.0000
Main balance: $319.6610
Referrals: 567
thank you admin.
Posts: 19
I love you Admin
Posts: -4
merci beaucoup pour votre travail
Yearly Gold
Posts: 45
Received: $1136.0300
Main balance: $1373.0331
Referrals: 274
Im glad that you got an idea what to do and respect for supporting ukranians!