Advertising Question

Started by adomin1 2013-04-08 at 19:45
4 replies to this topic
Posts: 15
Received: $3.3100
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Advertising question can I ask here? I am looking for PTSU offers. I have set .05$ while setting up the Offer. What does that mean? 1$ for 5 credits... Should I pay .05 for each sign up?

And how fast I can get these sign ups any defined duration?
Posts: 1381
Quote: adomin1

Advertising question can I ask here? I am looking for PTSU offers. I have set .05$ while setting up the Offer. What does that mean? 1$ for 5 credits... Should I pay .05 for each sign up?

And how fast I can get these sign ups any defined duration?


Yes,this is the right place to ask these kind of questions.
The 0,05$ value means that when a member complete your offer and you approve it then he/she will earn 0,05$.
There is no standard time frame for getting these sign ups since it depends on the program you are promoting and if the members are interested.
You can get the sign ups faster if you increase the value of your advertisement.
Finally,remember to review your pending offers often because if you do not take any action for 7 days then the offer will be accepted automatically and you will the credit,even if it is a fake one.

Best regards,
Scarlet-clicks and Gptplanet Support
Posts: 15
Received: $3.3100
Main balance: $0.0150
Referrals: 1
Let me continue here I got a sing up for Neobux. But it is not showing in my neobux account and neither i got an email i got the referal.... So can i deny it?
Posts: 1381
Quote: adomin1
Let me continue here I got a sing up for Neobux. But it is not showing in my neobux account and neither i got an email i got the referal.... So can i deny it?


If you do not see the member in your downline then it is a fake one so you have to reject it.
Unfortunately there are a lot of cheaters but we are doing our best to "catch" them as soon as possible.

Best regards,
Scarlet-clicks and Gptplanet Support
Posts: 15
Received: $3.3100
Main balance: $0.0150
Referrals: 1
Thank you I have one more today.... I will give 2 more days still no show in my downline I will reject it.

Thanks Admin.