A suggestion for rented referral pricing

Started by unicorngirl 2018-10-02 at 07:17
2 replies to this topic
Posts: 1
Dear Admin,

I think it would benefit the members if you lowered the price to rent referrals. it is very difficult to make a profit the way the prices are structured, even if renewing them for 365 days (which is expensive)

Most people renting referrals are putting money into the system with purchases and upgrades. I think a more fair system would be for referral prices to start at 10 cents and max out at 14 cents.These prices may seem low, but people are paying a lot of money to upgrade, recycle, etc and I think these prices are reasonable, considering.

Lowering the price will make it easier for people to profit and would encourage people to upgrade to higher levels to get more rented referrals.

Most referrals I am seeing are not clicking more than 4 ads a day. This simply is not profitable to the members who are paying to rent and recycle referrals.

An alternative to lowering the rented referral price would be to raise the rented referral commissions to 115-140% earning on clicks (maybe make it so that higher upgrade levels earn a higher percentage). After all, people are paying for these referrals, so they can pay out at a higher rate than non-rented referrals and still be profitable for the company and the people renting. A win-win for everyone.

Maybe it was once true that people were clicking 5+ ads a day but I am not seeing those numbers and after reading the comments most members are not seeing those numbers , either.

This is a great program and you have many loyal members , but please consider adjusting the price so that more people have the opportunity to make a profit from renting referrals.

Thank you
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Good suggestion.
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