My stats from yesterday 24/06/2022

Started by Juliano2022 2022-06-25 at 11:11
1 replies to this topic
Posts: 7
Hi all
Im monthly gold plus and i have 1295 rented Referrals. This is my stats from yesterday 24/06/2022 with autopay on:
RR clicks Autopay Profits
7048 6489 0.55
Profits for month:
With this profit I can't get to buy my package monthly gold plus because i need to put and RR recycle on this profit.
I calculated to put autopay off and extended my referrlas to 60 days :
1295×0.342=442.89$ to spend for extending for 60 days.
7.048×60=422.88$ is my profit for 60 day. I still lose money with this strategy.

Can somebody suggest any best strategy to make a good profit?
Posts: 200
I thinks you should up to yearly gold and collect ref 1000 ref.
and extened 240 or 365 days.